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Thinking back on favourite films, it becomes clear what they say about us. Cinema, the Psyche, unveiling Inner Heroes

It's always therapy and psychoanalysis around here, movies are the vehicle. Favourite films reflect deep psychological themes and evolving personal identities. What we once found aspirational in a character, we might later rethink, or realise it was not the healthiest hero to have. Others may have been right for the time.

So we mainly talk about movies our younger selves were drawn to, Pulp Fiction, Terminator 2, The Matrix, Le Samurai, The Thin Red Line, Beaches, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Funny Girl, 'Now, Voyager', All About Eve, and Stella Dallas.

It's the usual mix of personal stories, and psychological insights, plus film analysis and some half-remembered film theory, looking at identification with film characters, self-perception, the making and collapsing of reality, and the separate self. We also touch on the gender dynamics in film identification, the concept of sacrificial love, and the role of cinema in shaping or reflecting social norms and personal dreams. It all brings us eventually to the universal quest for connection and meaning.

We delve into how these preferences illuminate our aspirations, fears, and personal development.

Image: still from Cinema Paradiso (1988)
  • (00:00) - TTTT Film
  • (01:23) - Deep Dive into Favorite Films and Personal Identification
  • (03:28) - Self-image and cinema
  • (07:33) - The Psychological Impact of Film and the Matrix Deep Dive
  • (10:36) - Meditation, Reality, and Joe''s dis-Engagement with Cinema
  • (14:41) - Heroism, Mortality, and the Essence of Cinema
  • (21:02) - Heroism in Real Life vs. Cinema
  • (22:59) - Reflecting on how Mortality impacts Film Appreciation
  • (26:01) - Character Archetypes in Cinema
  • (26:30) - The Impact of Nature and Civilization in Film
  • (28:57) - The Power of Old Movies: Nostalgia and Reflection
  • (30:20) - The Power of Melodrama: Reflecting on Personal Sacrifices
  • (44:03) - Romantic Comedies and Their Influence on Personal Identity
  • (51:06) - The Secret Hopes and Dreams in Cinema
  • (52:55) - Concluding Thoughts on Cinema's Psychological Impact

00:00 Welcome: A Thought Experiment on Favorite Films
01:10 Personal Film Favorites and Identity
01:10 Deep Dive into Favorite Films and Personal Identification
03:15 Self-image and cinema
07:19 Psychological Impact of Cinema
07:19 The Psychological Impact of Film and the Matrix Deep Dive
10:22 Meditation, Reality, and Joe''s dis-Engagement with Cinema
14:27 Heroism, Mortality, and the Essence of Cinema
20:48 Heroism in Real Life vs. Cinema
22:45 Reflecting on how Mortality impacts Film Appreciation
25:48 Character Archetypes in Cinema
26:16 Nature vs. Civilization: A Personal Journey
26:16 The Impact of Nature and Civilization in Film
28:43 The Power of Old Movies: Nostalgia and Reflection
30:06 The Power of Melodrama: Reflecting on Personal Sacrifices
43:49 Romantic Comedies and Self-Discovery
43:49 Romantic Comedies and Their Influence on Personal Identity
50:52 The Secret Hopes and Dreams in Cinema
52:41 Concluding Thoughts on Cinema's Psychological Impact

Creators and Guests

Ali Catramados
Ali Catramados
Diagnosed crazy cat lady/part time podcaster
Joe Loh
Joe Loh
Film crew guy and mental health care worker with aspirations of being a small town intellectual one day.
Sam Ellis
Sam Ellis
Teacher/father/leftist loonie/raised hare Krishna and have never quite renounced it - "I just have one more thing to say, then I’ll let you speak"
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