The kids are alright

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What Do We Want To Pass On To Our Children?

Find out what controversial song was top of Ali's music wrap for the year. Oh, and we delve into parenting: 
  • specifically, how should we influence our kids
  • On the Road, Jack Kerouac; Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell; David Bowie all get a mention
  • the influence we want to have, versus what really happens
  • personal experiences, the influence of books and other texts versus direct communication
  • feeling unsure about who to be as a parent and a person
  • what are we actually shooting for with values and is it a simple transfer? No
  • the concept of meaningful freedom and how it relates to addiction
  • hyper gendered kids stuff, sugar, screens and other baddies
  • the inevitable reflections on our own upbringing
  • some of our current and past approaches to parenting, and hopes for the future
  • spirituality gets another plug - and it hasn't even taken out a sponsorship
  • (00:00) - Welcome and intro
  • (00:27) - Influence on Children: Personal Experiences
  • (01:27) - Power of Now, Books and Reading
  • (03:11) - Passing on a love of music
  • (04:34) - Values and culture
  • (08:18) - What are values anyway. Not a simple thing
  • (10:01) - What we try for vs what we get. Being yourself around your baby
  • (13:43) - The Struggles of Parenting and Personal Growth
  • (22:05) - The Influence of Social Media and Screen Time
  • (33:54) - The Importance of Freedom in Parenting
  • (34:32) - Avoiding Addiction Pathways in Parenting
  • (35:11) - Transition from Control to Moderation
  • (36:01) - Influence of Parental Values on Children
  • (36:59) - The Importance of Apologizing and Kindness
  • (37:36) - Raising a Kind and Sociable Child
  • (41:33) - The Role of Curiosity in Parenting
  • (43:31) - The Impact of Parenting on Children's Future
  • (44:44) - The Power of Consciousness and Spirituality
  • (57:57) - The Influence of Books and Reading
  • (59:59) - The Role of Practice and Present Moment in Parenting
The kids are alright
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