Just One Thing - Joseph Campbell

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Joe: I really found that I look around.

That the romantic love
I say is this ideal.

The animal.

The anima is the ideal
you carry within yourself.

Did you put on two different entities?

Out there.

And you, you not with that.

Pretty soon you see
through the projection.

And then what happens?

Uh, that's Joseph Campbell
from an interview.

He did.

I want to pretend to be an
expert on what the animal is.

But I.

Took note of this because
it resonated with me.

And I can see that I've done this.

Throughout my adult life.

It's project something.

On to a woman in my case.

And then basically have a
relationship with that projection.

And there's an incredible high
that comes from doing that.

And they become perfected in your mind.


Quite often.

I can take photos of women
when I'm in this state.

Sitting in a cafe and it will
be particularly attractive.

Photo of them.

And quite often they get some
kind of high out of it too.

But as Joseph Campbell says pretty soon.

You say through the projection?

And then what happens?

Well, in my case, What happens is
I tend to end the relationship.

And often women are left, hurt.

And confused.

About what went wrong.

And it reminds me.

Well, the Jody Mitchell quote.

About monogamy.

And how.

If all you ever have is
short-term relationships.

And casual dating.

Then basically just dating
yourself over and over again.

And telling the same stories.

And revealing the same
small parts of yourself.

And having the same fun.

Whereas to really go deep with someone.

And commit.

And really get into the complexities
of getting to know someone.

Is to have a much deeper experience.

But I think that moves you.

Past romantic love.

And chemistry.

And all the hedonism.

That's inherent in all those
chemicals floating around.

I think that moves you to something
that maybe feels a lot more ordinary.

A lot of the time.

That's slow.

Layering process of really
getting to know one person.

And sitting here now I can see that.

That is an ideal for me.

The problem I have is
whenever I made a new person.

I tend to project my animal.

Onto them.

And have their same relation
shit over and over again.

Trying to get out of that trap.

And move on to.

Hopefully something.

More profound.

Creators and Guests

Joe Loh
Joe Loh
Film crew guy and mental health care worker with aspirations of being a small town intellectual one day.
Just One Thing - Joseph Campbell
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