How Good's the Internet!

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Why is Sam liking the internet more and more? / Leave the front door open, leave the back door open / Freedom is Obedience to Self-Formulated Rules 1. We get into why the internet can be a good presence, and a bit about Joe's experience with click-bait being a big problem even in 'quality' press Sam is happy he can find: good visual artists and audio/video producers, cool stuff to make things with, and pats on the head for making things. Joe has a harder time with the internet - finds it too top down + it shows him scary stuff + dating apps can be a hamster wheel of deadening gamification. Also, remember that funny era when people wrote long emails about their overseas travels? I remember. And I did it to people. My dad did too, but his emails were good. It's headed straight for us! Oh wait, it's not. Gotcha!  ABC coverage of the same story The Guardian comes in for another shellacking from both of us. While on opposite ideological sides to Alex Jones, have The Guardian occasionally employed similar tactics to the infamous Info Wars host: "things are really bad, planet endingly bad, and only this brave outlet can save you, so give us your support." - see Knowledge Fight Try newsletters - Future Crunch and current events pods - Bullshit Filter - examines / triangulates reporting on one issue, adds historical perspective, gives a range of interpretations Personalities: Roger Pielke Jr - wikipedia  - political scientist analysing climate policy and modelling Michael Shellenberger - wikipedia - used to work in PR. just a nuclear crank? maybe. also blames progressives for drug addiction and rising incarceration. Briahna Joy Gray - wikipedia - rising star of political media. Very strong insta - her awesome Bad Faith youtube channel here her Bad Faith podcast insta here Ash Sarkar - who famously said to Piers Morgan "I'm Literally a Communist You Idiot" - on her Novara Media youtube channel, doesn't put heaps on her insta 2. Shunryu Suzuki full quote "Leave your front door and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.” Quora article about the quote 3. Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules Aristotle Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash --- Send in a voice message:
Why is Sam liking the internet more and more? / Leave the front door open, leave the back door open / Freedom is Obedience to Self-Formulated Rules
1. We get into why the internet can be a good presence, and a bit about Joe's experience with click-bait being a big problem even in 'quality' press
Sam is happy he can find: good visual artists and audio/video producers, cool stuff to make things with, and pats on the head for making things. Joe has a harder time with the internet - finds it too top down + it shows him scary stuff + dating apps can be a hamster wheel of deadening gamification.
Also, remember that funny era when people wrote long emails about their overseas travels? I remember. And I did it to people. My dad did too, but his emails were good.
The Guardian comes in for another shellacking from both of us. While on opposite ideological sides to Alex Jones, have The Guardian occasionally employed similar tactics to the infamous Info Wars host: "things are really bad, planet endingly bad, and only this brave outlet can save you, so give us your support." - see Knowledge Fight
Try newsletters - Future Crunch and current events pods - Bullshit Filter - examines / triangulates reporting on one issue, adds historical perspective, gives a range of interpretations
Personalities: Roger Pielke Jr - wikipedia  - political scientist analysing climate policy and modelling
Michael Shellenberger - wikipedia - used to work in PR. just a nuclear crank? maybe. also blames progressives for drug addiction and rising incarceration.
Ash Sarkar - who famously said to Piers Morgan "I'm Literally a Communist You Idiot" - on her Novara Media youtube channel, doesn't put heaps on her insta
2. Shunryu Suzuki full quote "Leave your front door and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.” Quora article about the quote

Hit us up on threads or instagram @thetenthousandthings
or email, that’s the classy thing to do

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash 

Creators and Guests

Joe Loh
Joe Loh
Film crew guy and mental health care worker with aspirations of being a small town intellectual one day.
Sam Ellis
Sam Ellis
Teacher/father/leftist loonie/raised hare Krishna and have never quite renounced it - "I just have one more thing to say, then I’ll let you speak"
How Good's the Internet!
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