Latest Episodes
Desiderata - Go placidly amidst the haste
Sam and Joe discuss the poem Desiderata and how it relates to their experience of life on earth.DesiderataGo placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what p...

Making the darkness conscious
Sam and Joe are back after a long break with a juicy quote from their old friend Carl Jung. Myths, archetypes, figures of light, dark caves with dragons and treasure, ...

Just One Thing - Jack Kornfield
What we take to be a self is tentative, fictitious, constructed by clinging, a temporary identification with some parts of experience. Self arises, solidifying itself,...

Just One Thing - Eckhart Tolle
The root of this physical urge is a spiritual one. The longing for an end to duality, a return to the state of wholeness. Sexual union is the closest you can get to th...

Just One Thing - Joseph Campbell
“I have really found when I look around that the romantic love I see is this ideal, the anima. The anima is the ideal that you carry within yourself that you put onto ...